Ligen's view of characters
Someone who has the most normal build. Having a tank like thingy equipment as a backpack with tube like thingy popping out to be able to destinct his/her silouwet from the others.
Someone who has more length and skinny from the rest. To me, electricity guy would be someone who has long legs so he look like he's someone who can move fast.
Someone who looks a bit smaller then the rest to get the feeling of being elastic and able to travel through tight spaces easily. Acessory like swimming google will make it silouwet more destinct.
Someone who have long arms and normal build. Tele would have a dual hand equipment that is sphere shape looking and have partices like small sphere rotating around his arms.
That's very briefy how I visual the character to be from my thoughts. Kept it short and sweet so you can read faster and get the message across~