Correct me if im wrong
- the ending can have a deathmatch- like scene 1 vs 3 too ungentlemen-ly
- It can also include "secret weapon" the player finds along the way, so it will not be overpowered or defenseless against 3 players
- Player can use one bar/special ability to either help the team in the puzzles or use it for the final battle in the game (Selfish or Teamwork?)
He also comment that the current game he play once won't play liao :) this is roughly what i rmb from his comment.. So the ending and the game style has to change in his opinion.
As for the art, i have to redraw all the sketches that the team has brainstorm and i will gladly do it haha. I think drawing characters for 16 weeks has been enough. And if the character style is not there yet please let me know cuz i think it still need some changes. Suit design, Prop design. Anything.
Then for the upcoming holidays, I think Kok Leong plan out what to finish in each week? Or what we trying to achieve by the end of the holiday. Maybe like another prototype except its like a real thing. So for next sem, we can start with player interaction in the game? Just saying suggestions, SEE YOU GUYS IN A WEEK! HAVE A GOOD REST!! :)